You are The ONE Proposal Bouquet


Are you considering a special proposal? Introducing our fully customizable, truly unique luxury bouquet, designed for that one special person in your life. Your love is exceptional, and this stunning bouquet is the perfect way to express it. If you have specific flower preferences, please share them with us during checkout for a personalized touch that will make your moment truly unforgettable.

The photos provided are for reference only.

Pair it with our Soy Wax Candle or locally made Chuao Chocolate

Free Delivery!! Please order 3 days in advance*

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Substitutions: Our commitment to timely delivery and unmatched beauty remains steadfast. Due to the natural variations in flowers, seasonality changes, and availability, occasional substitutions of equal or greater value may be necessary. Rest assured, we carefully consider design elements, ensuring the arrangement's aesthetic allure remains intact. In case a container is unavailable, we'll substitute a similar one, prioritizing your satisfaction above all else.

*in the event you need it sooner, please contact us directly before placing the order. Thank you